What are the values of Pop Star Performers?

fun children's activities

What are the values of Pop Star Performers?

If you are looking for fun children’s activities you will also want to know who it is that is teaching them.

We have put together this article to explain the essence of who we are and what we represent.

What are the values of Pop Star Performers? I’ve had to think about this a lot lately as we are on the hunt for new teachers and I really want to find people who are authentically similar to me. After much soul searching and discussions with colleagues and family I think I’ve nailed what the values of Pop Star Performers are and why it is that they are important to me.


I have always put fun quite high up my agenda, sometimes to the detriment of my own growth, but that is who I am. This definitely comes across when you meet me and in my teaching too I think. (I’m sure your kids will tell you how silly I can sometimes be in class!!)


I am always striving to grow in whatever I do. Whether that’s learning new dance techniques, voice science or child psychology, the growth of my mind and spirit will never cease. This is a really important part of who I am.


Being the younger sibling (to a very high achieving sister) meant that growing up I was always in second place! In my career too, I found that there was always someone who could sing better, spin faster, look prettier than me. But I still got work. Why? Because I wanted it more than other people and I didn’t give up. I believe this is the most valuable lesson we can teach our children in today’s competitive world.

So those are the values of Pop Star Performers, but how are they reflected in our classes?

The fun, I hope, goes without saying. The music is chosen by the children and there is always time for games and chatting with their friends. They deserve this too; they work hard at school and need to let their hair down just like us!

Because our classes are small we are able to focus on each child individually. They are all on a different path; some will be working on confidence and finding their place in the group; others reticently singing their first solos; maybe they’re working on their spotting, finding their mix voice or limbering up for the splits. Whatever it is that they are working on we will support, encourage and gently push growth.

But lastly (and probably most importantly) Grit. This takes patience and will be learnt in time from achieving and growing in the areas we are reaching towards. The regular public performances that we do are so wonderful in teaching the children that it’s okay to be scared. Great things happen when you work through the tough stuff, embrace your fears and be the best you can be. We really encourage the children to take part in as many of our public performances as they can.

Want to join our Fun children’s activities?

New children are always welcome 🙂

If we sound like your cup of tea and you’d like to find out more about joining one of our weekly classes please see our timetable to see which day suits you and we’d love to welcome your child for a taster session 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Claire Bender signiture

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