Performance Class

Performance Class

Singing | Acting | Dancing | Performing

What is a Performance Class?

Yearly shows

In the Autumn and Spring term, we work on a scripted show to be performed in the theatre with costumes, lighting and professional sound. Summer term is spent doing drama, confidence and team-building games, plus learning group and solo songs to be performed at various local fairs and events.


Build positive relationships

We also place a very strong emphasis on relationship building and encourage the children to share stories, news and ideas in front of their peers each week. This is an essential part of the class as it allows the children to become relaxed in each other’s company thereby enabling them to take ‘safe risks’ i.e. Standing in the front row, singing solo lines, sharing their improvisation, leading a section/group.

Next show:

We are starting rehearsals for our 2025 show, Moana in September. There will be 3 weeks of group rehearsals before the parts are given out and then we will start blocking the show throughout the term. If you would like more information or are interested in joining us for the first two weeks as a trial, please register your child below.

Previous shows

Descendants 2024

Musical showcase 2022

First ever show!! (2019)

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